ChatGPT for Documents. For Free

Summarize any text or PDF in seconds. Ask questions and get answers about your document instantly

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Try PRO Upsum if you:

  • Need to summarize more than 2 pages
  • Need more accurate summaries
  • No limits on PDFs summarisation
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How it works?

Upload any text, PDF or docx file
Get instant summaries powered by AI
Ask your file, get the answer you need
Export and share your work
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3 uploads/month
5 questions/document
100 pages/document
What will you get
Essay and bulletpoint style summaries

0 usd

Get started


30 uploads/month
20 questions/document
100 pages/document
What will you get
Essay and bulletpoint style summaries
Export summaries
Share summaries

19.99 usd

per month
Start you 3-days free trial


100 uploads/month
100 questions/document
400 pages/document
What will you get
Essay and bulletpoint style summaries
Export summaries
Share summaries
Priority Support

49.99 usd

per month
Start you 3-days free trial


3 uploads/month
5 questions/document
100 pages/document
What will you get
Essay and bulletpoint style summaries

0 usd

Get started


30 uploads/month
20 questions/document
100 pages/document
What will you get
Essay and bulletpoint style summaries
Export summaries
Share summaries

11.99 usd

/month billed yearly $144
Start you 3-days free trial


100 uploads/month
100 questions/document
400 pages/document
What will you get
Essay and bulletpoint style summaries
Export summaries
Share summaries
Priority Support

29.99 usd

/month billed yearly $360
Start you 3-days free trial

Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick answers to your questions
How does it work?

Under the hood, Upsum uses GPT-3.5 to summarize your text and answer questions about it. The suammaries capture the most important information and present it in a very easily readable format. We don't just pick sentences from the original document, but our algorithm understands the meaning of it. When asking a question, we do a semantic search to find the most relevant sections of the document. Our AI will answer your question based on these sections.

Is Upsum free?

Absolutely! We have a free plan that allows you to upload and analyize 3 documents every month. Besides that, you can always use the little summary tool embedded on this website to get unlimited short summaries in your mailbox. Additionally, we offer paid plans to those who want to use Upsum more. Check out our pricing table above to compare the plans.

Are my files secure?

At our company, we are committed to conducting our business with the highest level of integrity and ethical standards. Your data is not shared with anyone. We use encrytpion during transferring and storing your data. We partnered with a data storage provider who holds an SOC2 Type II certification. If your compliance team requires additional security measures please contact us using the form below and we can build a self-hosted solution on your servers or private cloud.

What languages does Upsum understand?

Upsum works best with documents written in English. However, you can upload documents in other languages, too. Our algorithm will understand it, but may provide the summary or the answers to the questions in English. If a message isn’t in the language you want, just ask Upsum to translate it. Text written with non-latin characters might cause problems, too.

Why is my document empty?

We can only process PDFs where the text is copyable. If you scan a document or your pdf is image like we won't be able to extract the text as we don't use OCR. Please reupload your document in a readable format for our algorithm.

Why can't Upsum find the correct answer?

Upsum can answer questions based on the document that you uploaded. If the document doesn't contain the answer Upsum will not find it. Otherwise, try reformatting your question. Use simple language or try giving more context.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your paid plan any time. Go to the "My Account" section of the application and you will find the cancellation option there. Your plan will be active until the end of the current billing cycle, but it won't renew again and you won't be charged again.

“ is saving me hundreds of hours that I would have wasted on reading lengthy reports. With this tool I feel like I have developed a superpower.

Robert Jiménez
Marketing Analyst

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